Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Litte Time for Reflection and ACTION!

There will be more updates soon enough from the latest stop but in the mean time I thought it important to pass along the following to those peeps who read my little blog here.

This is part of a newsletter I received today from the Matthew Shepard Foundation. It is a note from Judy Shepard and I think it speaks for itself. I would encourage any of you who can't make a donation to MSF at this time to at least sign-up for their newsletter and also make the pledge to vote in this next election.

In my personal opinion it's time for change. Maybe you don't agree but either way it's important that each and every one of us votes in November whether in person or by absentee ballot.

For those looking to find the foundation website it sits just to the right of this in my link, along with the tour site and the site of my very good friend Rob's card company.

Hope this finds everyone well.

* * *

Dear Friend,

8 years ago today, hate in its most vicious form stole the life of my son Matthew. Sometimes it seems like only yesterday, but then I reflect on all of the progress that has been made since 1998 to erase hate in our society - progress made in part because of what happened to Matthew. That is why on this day each year, the Matthew Shepard Foundation seeks to do something proactive to keep the tide of positive change moving forward.

Today we are launching our National Get Out The Vote Campaign to encourage everyone in the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) and allied community to let their voice be heard and vote on November 7th. If Matthew were alive today, I know he would tell you:


It's your right, your duty and your future. But, I have one more request to make of you - a very special request. Since Matthew can no longer exercise his right to vote, a right he cherished, I ask that you PLEDGE TO VOTE FOR MATTHEW on November 7th. Commit to sharing your voice with Matthew, commit to using your primary right as an American, commit to playing a role in determining the future of your community.

The Matthew Shepard Foundation is also officially launching our new website today. We are still putting some finishing touches on the site, but it is a website we are proud of and hope you will visit often. It was designed with you in mind. It provides the most detailed information about Matthew, the Foundation and how YOU can make a difference in the world.

Judy Shepard


Showtune said...

Wait a second, you are the one I used to argue with about voting! Girrrrrl!

Anonymous said...

It's my opinion that there has never been a more important election in this country's history. If we, the people, do not excercise our most precious of inalienable rights, then we have not one thing, not one event, not one person other than ourselves to blame when the realization of what we have let pass us by dawns at our mourning.

Chele, honey, we miss you!

Chele said...

Matty -

We all grow up as the world grows up - in in some cases falls backwards.

Miss you too darling!!