Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sharing photos from Memphis

Split week in Nebraska so in the mean time I thought I would share somce photos from Memphis. I am very behind in my blogging - sorry all but it's been busy getting everything set for a split week, a week off, and the next city we go into too.

So here we are photos from Graceland.

The only thing I will say about the day there is that people I think mock the idea of this place. I think it's wrong too unless you've taken the tour. Many of us were very moved by the experience. It was walking in this man's footsteps who burned bright and then out. When you see the 20 some year history of his rise and fall and end the tour at the gravesite it's very moving.

So here are the tangiable things you can take with you when you go - pool room, planes, cars, front of the house and back of the house. Interestingly it's not as large as I expected.

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